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Showing posts from March, 2019

Detecting the user's time zone at registration

This article walks through the process of capturing and detecting a user's time zone at the point of registration. This information can then be used to display time-related information in the local zone of the user. Note that, in most cases, you should still store datetime information in UTC; the time zone is only used for local display. This setup assumes a site running Razor Pages in ASP.NET Core 2.2, although there's nothing particularly framework-specific in what follows. The same ideas should carry over quite easily to, for example, a regular ASP.NET MVC site. We start with a basic registration page: Register.cshtml @page @model RegisterModel <h1> Create an account </h1> <form method= "post" > <div asp-validation-summary= "ModelOnly" ></div> <div class= "form-group" > <label asp-for= "FirstName" ></label> <input asp-for= "FirstName" ...

Integrating Google reCAPTCHA v2 with an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages form

CAPTCHA ( c ompletely a utomated p ublic T uring test to tell c omputers and h umans a part) reduces the likelihood of automated bots successfully submitting forms on your web site. Google's reCAPTCHA implementation is familiar to users (as these things go), and is a free service. Integrating it within an ASP.NET Core Razor Pages form is straightforward. Obtain Google API key The first thing we need to do is to sign up for an API key pair. The latest documentation for this process can be found on the reCAPTCHA Developer's Guide . Google will provide us with a site key and a secret key . I am storing these keys in the Visual Studio Secret Manager so they are not accidentally checked in with version control. To access the Secret Manager, right-click on the project and select "Manage User Secrets...": No, these are not my real keys... As part of the sign up process for the reCAPTCHA keys, we specify the domains for which the keys are valid. Be sure to add ...